21 July 2010

Wild raspberries...

The wild raspberries are ripe and ready for picking in our woods! I picked a bowl full on Saturday and we're still enjoying them. On waffles or by the spoonful they're tangy and sweet and just fun to eat. (Hey, that sort of rhymed!)

It's kind of fun to climb over the fence and wade into the waist high prickly raspberry canes to hunt for the elusive berries. They really are effectively hidden under the leaves, so you really have to work at finding enough of the tiny berries to fill a bowl, but it's worth it. Homer the dog accompanied me on my expedition and every few minutes I'd hear a rustle in the underbrush and find that he was sitting close behind me. I think he's scared of the woods!

While looking for an appropriate photo to accompany this post I found this delightful painting by artist Delilah Smith. Please visit her blog called "Painting of the Day" and enjoy her other paintings. You'll be glad you did!

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