30 June 2011

My baby...and my grandbaby!

I love this picture of my son Josh and grandson Nathan. They're cooling off in the backyard pool of Josh's in-laws. I'm thankful that Josh and his wife, Jess, and little Nathan are staying with Jess's parents while they finish college. With a new baby on the way they have a lot on their plates and it's good to know they have family support. It's a long way from here to Joshua, TX where they live, so I don't get to hug them often. I was glad to see their smiling faces!

In answer to your comment, Pom-Pom, we did get down to see them in May, but it may be a long time before we can go again. We're having to learn to let go! :( It is easier knowing that they're in the palm of God's hand. We lean on Him a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how sweet! I wish that pool was in MY backyard! When will you see them? This summer?
